A BRIEF OUTLINE OF ONE PERSONS USE OF DIRECTORY OPUS. by Ross Davis Ed: Some of the program Ross mentions in this article are on our MD_Extras disk this issue. See elsewhere info on the next version of Dir Opus which is imminent.  ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ This is in no way meant to be a technical article. It is simply a description of some convenient (lazy) uses to which I have put my copy of Directory Opus. Reference may be made to the picture of my setup that should accompany this file. I have complemented the standard GADGETS that have been set by adding and enhancing some existing ones. Many of the gadgets that I have set up are for my more commonly used programs. They are useful to set up this way due to them being in the one place and through having no need to remember any command structures to access files. The ARC LIST gadget has had more archivers added to the archive configuration. This enables me to list/view and DeArchive all common archives that are on most BBSs. I play MED/OCTAMED samples with the OCTAMED gadget, decompress DMS disks with DMS, can view just about any picture using any of VIEW, MOSTRA, PPSHOW or P-READER. HAMLAB gadget allows me to view & convert .gif files, NEWZAP allows access to HexData. One of the more convenient gadgets is simply VERSION which enables me to check versions of files I have downloaded. The WHATIS? gadget is also quite useful to check out what a file might be. I also initiate GPTERM my terminal program and AZ the text editor which I use most of the time by using gadgets from DirOpus. Most of the gadgets I have set up work automatically by first selecting a source file from a directory window of DirOpus then clicking on the appropriate gadget to work on that file. In fact I hardly have to use CLI or Workbench to run most of my daily programs. I also use DirOpus to launch other programs like DPaint, GPFax and even games, some via configured menus and others by using DirOpus's Output shell. I'm no genius but I have managed to make the program do what I want instead of doing what the program tells me. Most of this probably works with other directory utilities but I'm happy with DirOpus. Product: Dir Opus Directory utility Availability: Good dealers, Megadisc Price: RRP $64.95.  ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[ ]] 32 [[